An online game of putt putt. It features multiplayer in a kind of racing format. Players toss their balls up the field, and whoever hits the hole first wins. This is golf in the traditional sense of the word. There’s no agony about choosing clubs or watching the wind speed. However, the arcade action is fun.

Objectives of the project
1.Increase audience engagement due to the uniqueness of the product
2.Increase in profit when purchasing paid additional options

Development of a multi-level 3D game for Android.

Stages of work and solutions
1. Preparation of terms of reference
Creation of a game idea, logic, tours, scenarios.
2. One-on-one PvP development.
3.Development of a classic mode without PvP for solo play
A full-fledged test of all levels of play, speed, and quality of the application

Development Results
1.3D game for Android using Unity, Figma, Blender, Photon
technologies 2.Multitouch
4.Multifunctionality and 8 levels of the game