TEAM500 has been developing unique games since 2008.

Technologies and engines



We Are experienced game developmet company
TEAM500 has been developing unique games since 2001. We create and publish our own IPs, being true experts in every stage of full cycle game development and publishing, ranging from pre-production to certification, release and live-ops across all platforms. Having 20+ years of successful work and a proven track record, we are eager to share our expertise and offer proven solutions for releasing a project of any complexity.
We Are Offering All Kinds of Game Devlopment Services

Full-Cycle Game Development
Experts at every stage of full cycle game development, ranging from pre-production to certification, release and live-ops across all platforms.
Full-Cycle Game Development
TEAM500 provides top-tier full-cycle game development services. We have vast experience in creating games from scratch.

Web3 Game Development
Changing the future with cutting-edge web3 games
Web3 Game Development
TEAM500 creates high-level play-to-earn games powered by blockchain.

Unity Game Development
TEAM500 provides high-quality Unity game development services, adhering to strict on time delivery.

NFT Game Development
High-quality NFT game development services
NFT Game Development
TEAM500 is an NFT game development company with vast experience and a skilled team of experts.

Unreal Game Development
Creating Unreal games that stand out from the crowd
Unreal Game Development
TEAM500 provides Unreal game development services to give your users a unique and indulging game experience.

Casual Game Development
Creating top-notch casual games since 2008
Casual Game Development
Our studio has profound expertise in creating thrilling and dynamic casual games which catch gamers’ fancy all over the globe.

Our Team of Game Developers

Managing Partner
Developer Middle: 1C
Middle Developer: PHP
Developer Middle: C#
Middle Developer: Java
Design Analyst Middle
QA/Devops Middle
Middle+ Developer: Unity, C#
Creative Director
Project Manager
Partner, Head of Development Group
Project Manager, Product Manager
Project Manager
Middle+ Developer: PHP, Python
Middle+ developer: Java Script, Vue, React.js, Node.js
Partner, Head of Sales Office
Partner, Head of Support Office
Partner, International Sales Manager
LawyerOur Vaues
We are hard-working, providing only top-notch results in game development, design and support, offering in-depth expertise and advanced technological solutions.
Our partners provide us with the biggest value – their trust. And we are proud to have been chosen by large corporations such as Nokia, Davidoff, JTI and others for a long-term partnership.
TEAM500 easily dives into challenges, devoting all the creative ideas, talent and enthusiasm to bring game projects to life.
Our Recent Launched Projects Available into Market
What Saying Our Customers

The design solutions proposed by the team’s specialists for the implementation of the required functionality made it possible to obtain a high-quality product with a user-friendly interface. All tasks are completed on time and in full

The TEAM500 team developed a geodata processing system that required extremely high technical expertise and made it possible to integrate geolocation services into the company’s existing products

The TEAM500 team completed the tasks efficiently and on time. We plan to cooperate further.

During the cooperation on a number of projects, the TEAM500 team has established itself as a reliable partner, always striving to solve the tasks as efficiently as possible, to provide the necessary resources.

A cool team of professionals that quickly adapts to periodically changing customer requirements, performing tasks efficiently and on time.

We have been cooperating for more than 3 years. Team500 quickly provided mobile and backend developers, which made it possible to strengthen the team and accelerate the development of projects.

During the work on the project, the developers showed themselves as a team of professionals who successfully solved all the tasks assigned to them and achieved the goal of the project.

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